East Sussex National Weekend

Jordan Durrent wins the Spring Weekend Away! Fantastic weather & with the West Course in good condition. Saturday saw a great start to the weekend. David Reading won day 1 with 43 pts & a handicap cut of 6 (ouch!). Peter Worthington was 2nd on 40 pts & Bob Mac…

Hintlesham Results

Sunday 24th March: The first round of the Fat Cat race & 2019 season was played in great weather on a Hintlesham course that was in very good condition. Ably hosted by Paul Miller, the season's off to a good start. Peter Brennan won the day with 40 pts, as…

Old Thorns 3rd/4th November 2018

Weekend Away: Old Thorns 3rd/4th November Lucky with the weather, the weekend away was ably and generously hosted by Bob McManus and played on an interesting/challenging course. The scores for the two days combined meant 3 players scored 66 points. On countback: Mick Eaves won the weekend, Mark Shipton was…