East Sussex National Weekend

Jordan Durrent wins the Spring Weekend Away!

Fantastic weather & with the West Course in good condition. Saturday saw a great start to the weekend.

David Reading won day 1 with 43 pts & a handicap cut of 6 (ouch!). Peter Worthington was 2nd on 40 pts & Bob Mac 3rd 37 pts.

Sunday saw a bright but cold & windy day for a challenging round on the East Course.

Day 2 saw Mick Eaves return to form to win with 36 pts, Jordan Durrent was 2nd on 35 pts & Lewis Turnbull 3rd on 34 pts.

The overall winner of the Spring Weekend Away was Jordan Durrent with a combined score of 70 pts, 2nd was David Reading 69pts & Lewis Turnbull 3rd on 65pts.

The winning team was Bob Mac, Craig, Leiws & Peter W – see full scores below.

Congratulations to Jordan & a big thank you to Bob for organising a great weekend and the many prizes.

Overall Results
Team Results

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