Old Thorns 3rd/4th November 2018

Weekend Away: Old Thorns 3rd/4th November

Lucky with the weather, the weekend away was ably and generously hosted by Bob McManus and played on an interesting/challenging course.

The scores for the two days combined meant 3 players scored 66 points.

On countback: Mick Eaves won the weekend, Mark Shipton was 2nd and Archie (playing off a handicap of 2 on Sunday), came in 3rd.

Bob awarded the many NP and NP2s prizes

Host Bob McManus presenting the winner’s prize to Mick Eaves

2 Replies to “Old Thorns 3rd/4th November 2018”

  1. lovely venue, good company and great
    course although it didn’t suit my eye…well sounds like an excuse to me lol.
    Special congrats go to Arch.playing off two and still top 3 is quite remarkable.
    well done Mick, and Bob for arranging.

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